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This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 7. 'There'

Kevin embarks on a stressful road trip; Jack and young Kevin go to a football training camp.

Courtesy of NBC

Air date: February 9, 2021

Previous Episode: Birth Mother

Next Episode: In the Room (airing February 16, 2021)

Courtesy of NBC

Courtesy of NBC

Our thoughts:

  • As I always say, one of my favorite things about this show is watching the growth of the characters- and Kevin’s growth (along w/ Justin’s acting) is the best… I loved when he realized, his fame or money wouldn’t matter as much as being “there”~

    “My dad was the most ‘there’ person that ever lived,” he says.

  • I also loved when Jack tells Kevin that maybe what makes “parents loom so large in our heads is they’re a million things to us all at once” and that “even after they’re long gone, we’re stuck with them, we can’t help it, they’re inside of us.”

  • Did anyone catch the name of the guy in the car accident?? I didn’t, but the actor is Joshua Malina (from Scandal, The West Wing, and so many other things!), so I have to think this character will reappear at some point, right?? I always feel like they only use a recognizable actor if this is the case? Or maybe not… ?

What did you think about this episode?

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