The Student Entertainment Board (SEB) at WSU held a virtual Q&A with Jake Johnson on February 10th, 2021 over zoom.
Below is an “unofficial” recording of the interview⤵️
New Girl. S2:E19 ‘Quick Hardening Caulk’
Jess comes to a conclusion about her romantic feelings for Nick and she struggles to tell him - until she's hopped up on pain medication. But after admitting her feelings, she finds out he may have been keeping something from her. Meanwhile, Schmidt becomes obsessed with buying a fish, which Winston sees as a metaphor for Schmidt's unresolved feelings toward Cece and Nick plans a bar promotion to impress the bar owner (guest star Odette Annable).
With Cece engaged, Schmidt is depressed. Schmidt decides an aquarium filled with a rare, unattainable, and endangered species of fish is what will cheer him up. Nick decides to be a take-charge man, and this entices Jess to want Nick.
Virgin River. Season 2.
what does season 2 have in store for Jack & mel??
*Season 2 SPOILERS!*
STOP reading if you haven’t watched season 2!
Ep 1: New Beginnings
Jack asks Mel for help when Charmaine experiences a complication in her pregnancy. Hope insists that Doc keep their relationship a secret.
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 9. ‘The Ride’
A series of car rides propels the Pearsons toward new stages of their lives. ‘The Ride’ looks like it will give us a glimpse at the Big Three’s first car ride home with Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and Rebecca (Mandy Moore). But it seems like the babies’ release from the hospital isn’t all fun and games.
Air date: February 23, 2021
Previous episode: In the Room
Beverly Hills, 90210. S4:E3 “The Little Fish”
Brenda returns to Beverly Hills to find her bedroom has been taken over by Brandon and her parents angry that she dropped out.
College registration is too much for Dylan who has a kindred spirit, so after he bumps into Brenda at the Peach Pitt, they spend the day together fishing and talking about their future.
David and Donna try to audition for the DJ's on the California University's radio show, while Andrea tries to get in with the university's newspaper, The Condor, and soon clashes with the egotistical student editor Josh Richland. Andrea has a more friendly meeting of minds with Dan Rubin, her dorm R.A. Meanwhile, Steve tries to get Brandon in on the fraternity life on the CU campus by pledging the Kappa Epsilon Gamma (K.E.G.) fraternity.
Air date: September 22, 1993
our thoughts:
Okay, so towards the end of the episode, when Brenda is sitting at her kitchen counter, it seems to be like she’s going to make a pb&j- she has the bread, a jar of peanut butter and jelly… but she’s stirring the pb & jelly in the bowl, then by the next time they flash to her, she’s spreading it on the bread.
Is this some genius way to make peanut butter and jelly that I never learned?? Did they tell her to do it that way or is that a Shannen Dougherty thing?
Inquiring minds need to know!!
Photos Courtesy of CBS
Virgin River. S1:E1. ‘Carry On’
Mel is starting a new job in a small town called Virgin River. She left Los Angeles big city life to forget and heal and she founds herself in the midst of smalltown life where not all locals welcome her - especially her new boss, the old school doctor.
Melanie Monroe moves to the small town of Virgin River where she meets a hunky bar owner. Mel is haunted by visions of her past. She takes a job at a family practice as a nurse. Doc Mullins is a grump but is obviously hiding something which is making that way.
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 8. ‘In the Room’
The Pearsons navigate huge family milestones together but from a distance.
The Pearsons are all awaiting the arrival of the new Big Three, in the same vein as the original of two biologically related in Madison and Kevin's twins, and one adoption in Kate and Toby's as Ellie is being induced. However, the situation is not perfect as any of them would have wanted beyond pandemic-related issues. Kevin is MIA, no one knowing if he caught his flight from Seattle, leaving Randall and Beth, driving home from Louisiana, on a video call with Madison as long as she needs support.
While Kate is in the room with Ellie, Toby has to wait outside assuming the position of a tailgater outside the stadium. Toby's peace is interrupted by Arlo, another hospital visitor whose situation is making him a little more agitated especially in Toby having invaded his space.
Rebecca and Miguel are feeling isolated at the cabin, not knowing what to do as they wait and wait and wait for any news about Kevin and the three grandchildren. Rebecca can't help but focus on a framed "picture" on their wall of five different colored blobs, making her reminisce about about Jack and a trip the two took to the cabin alone when the Big Three were thirteen and were starting not wanting to hang out with their parents anymore.
With all these situations up in the air, it isn't a guarantee that all will turn out all right with any of Kevin or the three grandchildren.
Nasir and Esther's story is also told from their chance initial meeting in 1963 to when their son turned four, their story which has a profound effect on the way the Pearsons are dealing with this situation.
Thoughts on this episode?
Join the conversation & comment below!
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 7. 'There'
Kevin embarks on a stressful road trip; Jack and young Kevin go to a football training camp.
Courtesy of NBC
Air date: February 9, 2021
Previous Episode: Birth Mother
Next Episode: In the Room (airing February 16, 2021)
Courtesy of NBC
Courtesy of NBC
Our thoughts:
As I always say, one of my favorite things about this show is watching the growth of the characters- and Kevin’s growth (along w/ Justin’s acting) is the best… I loved when he realized, his fame or money wouldn’t matter as much as being “there”~
“My dad was the most ‘there’ person that ever lived,” he says.
I also loved when Jack tells Kevin that maybe what makes “parents loom so large in our heads is they’re a million things to us all at once” and that “even after they’re long gone, we’re stuck with them, we can’t help it, they’re inside of us.”
Did anyone catch the name of the guy in the car accident?? I didn’t, but the actor is Joshua Malina (from Scandal, The West Wing, and so many other things!), so I have to think this character will reappear at some point, right?? I always feel like they only use a recognizable actor if this is the case? Or maybe not… ?
What did you think about this episode?
Lets discuss in the comments!
~you know the drill.
Please be kind and courteous.
Only discuss this episode or any previous- nothing past Ep7, thank you!
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 6. 'Birth Mother'
Randall and Beth travel to New Orleans as they uncover truths about his past. Kevin and Randall struggle to reconcile their differences.
Air date: January 12, 2021
Previous Episode: A Long Road Home
Next Episode: There
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 5. 'A Long Road Home'
Kate confronts her past; Randall's brush with viral fame leads to an unexpected discovery; Kevin debates the best path for his future.
Air date: January 5, 2021
Previous episode: Honestly
Next episode: Birth Mother
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 4. 'Honestly'
Malik shadows Randall at work; Kevin struggles to connect with his new movie director; Jack and Rebecca struggle to sleep train their babies.
Air date: November 17, 2020
Previous episode: Changes
Next episode: A Long Road Home
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 3. 'Changes'
Kevin and Madison navigate their engagement as Kate and Toby take a big step in their adoption journey; Jack and Rebecca brace for puberty.
Air date: November 10, 2020
Previous episode: Forty: Part Two
Next episode: Honestly
This Is Us. Season 5, Episode 1 and 2. 'Forty: Part One and Forty: Part Two'
Season 5 kicks off as the Big Three’s 40th birthday is fast approaching. Everyone, except Randall, heads to the cabin for the milestone. Flashbacks show the immediate lead ups to the Big Three’s births and Randall’s biological mother.
Air date: October 27, 2020
Previous episode: Strangers: Part Two (S4:E18)
Next episode: Changes (E3)