Brenda returns to Beverly Hills to find her bedroom has been taken over by Brandon and her parents angry that she dropped out.
College registration is too much for Dylan who has a kindred spirit, so after he bumps into Brenda at the Peach Pitt, they spend the day together fishing and talking about their future.
David and Donna try to audition for the DJ's on the California University's radio show, while Andrea tries to get in with the university's newspaper, The Condor, and soon clashes with the egotistical student editor Josh Richland. Andrea has a more friendly meeting of minds with Dan Rubin, her dorm R.A. Meanwhile, Steve tries to get Brandon in on the fraternity life on the CU campus by pledging the Kappa Epsilon Gamma (K.E.G.) fraternity.
Air date: September 22, 1993
our thoughts:
Okay, so towards the end of the episode, when Brenda is sitting at her kitchen counter, it seems to be like she’s going to make a pb&j- she has the bread, a jar of peanut butter and jelly… but she’s stirring the pb & jelly in the bowl, then by the next time they flash to her, she’s spreading it on the bread.
Is this some genius way to make peanut butter and jelly that I never learned?? Did they tell her to do it that way or is that a Shannen Dougherty thing?
Inquiring minds need to know!!
Photos Courtesy of CBS