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What We Know About the ‘Gossip Girl’ Reboot

What We Know About the ‘Gossip Girl’ Reboot

HBO Max's Gossip Girl reboot has been delayed until 2021, with no exact start date known as of yet.  HBO Max's cheif content officer Kevin Reilly confirmed to Vulture today that the new Gossip Girl has not started shooting yet, and won't be ready for any release date in 2020 due to the pandemic
  So far we know the ‘Gossip Girl’ reboot has been delayed, but as we patiently wait, we’re here to give you all of the info we know so far! 

The reboot will consist of 10 episodes that will tell, 8 years after the last episode, the intertwining of a new generation of Manhattan teen posh (no names have yet been made on the performers), also Upper East Side, whose scandalous news will be reported on the Gossip Girl site, but this time there is no person behind it, but anyone with a cell phone. The authors want to update Gossip Girl and show how the world has changed since the last episode, especially by dealing with privacy and Social Network issues. The spectacular cast of past series have declared themselves in favor of a reunion and the inclusion of cameos, except for Ed Westwick, the seductive and intricate Chuck Bass, who opposes the appearance because of the idea that his character has given everything he could give. .

Lakers Take On The Heat in Game 1 of The NBA Finals Tonight

Lakers Take On The Heat in Game 1 of The NBA Finals Tonight

Chuck and Blair… Best Dressed Couple - Ever.  XOXO -Gossip Girl

Chuck and Blair… Best Dressed Couple - Ever. XOXO -Gossip Girl