If you have not yet watched the series finale of 13 Reasons Why, this is your warning-SPOILERS below!
STOP reading now if you don’t want to know what happens on the last episode….!!!
One word - Justin.
I do cry a lot during television shows or movies, I get invested in characters, story lines, ect-
but this…
this messed me up. Like non-stop, ugly cry messed me up.
I will say it was beautifully done. Beautifully- in the slowly tear-your-heart-out way.
Even though I wish it would have been anything else. ANYTHING.
I wanted to see (or imagine) - Justin going to college, staying in touch with Jess. Letting them have some sort of happily-ever-after.
I wanted to see a character who was dealt a crappy deck, who add all the odds stacked against him, come out on top. The Jensens were so good to him from day 1- I wanted it for them too. For Clay.
It hurts. { -days later and it still hurts. }
Courtesy of Netflix • 13 Reasons Why
As you watched over these last four seasons, you saw the character of Justin go through SO much. So many ups and downs, struggles he had to overcome, and he was finally on top.
Brandon Flynn made Justin a fan-favorite character, who was arguably the most well-written character in the show. He started it all- Justin was “Tape 1, Side A.”
Brandon Flynn as Justin Foley • 13 Reasons Why
13 Reasons Why • Tape 1, Side A • Netflix
Hannah & Justin • 13 Reasons Why • Netflix
Strengthened by their struggles, the friends say goodbye to high school and look toward the future.
Show: 13 Reasons Why
Air date: June 5, 2020
Previous episode: Prom