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Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass

Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass

Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass are still one of our TV couples. We loved watching them together as their personalities complemented each other perfectly. We all knew they were end game, they were made for each other!

Photo: The CW

Photo: The CW

If two people are destined to be together, they will eventually find a way back.
— Chuck
Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not strong. You are the strongest woman I know.
— Chuck

We lived for their romance and followed them every step along the way. We suffered together with them every time they broke up and we celebrated when they got back together. Their romance was not perfect by any means, but they did teach us that with patience and love, anything can be possible.

Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I’m yours.
— Blair

There are irresistible phrases.

Try to make amends for the damage done.

I’m sorry for all the damage I did to you, I know I can’t go back in time, but I want to try and make it up to you. Even if it takes my whole life.
— Chuck
You Know You Love Her. XOXO

You Know You Love Her. XOXO

Lakers Take On The Heat in Game 1 of The NBA Finals Tonight

Lakers Take On The Heat in Game 1 of The NBA Finals Tonight