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Bachelor in Paradise Season 6, Episode 5 Recap & Spoilers!!

Tonight’s episode begins with Jordan and Christian’s fight- to sum it up:

Jordan tossed him!

Christian went to attack Jordan- four, maybe five body guards jumped on Christian. He was able to get free at point, trying to chase Jordan down. Christian tore off his shirt. Producers stepped in and said since fighting isn’t tolerated, they would both be going home.

The losers in this situation: us.

We, the viewers are the ones that suffer- we are now without Jordan’s hysterically commentary.

I, in the meantime, am starting a movement suggesting either for Jordan to come back and bartend with Wills or start narrating the show.


Christian keeps trying to get away from the producers and security to tackle Jordan. Jordan calms down after the initial toss and piñata throw down- calms down meaning he’s not trying to get away from security while still yelling to Christian, calling him a “bitch”.

Producers step in and have to send both Jordan and Christian home.

Rose ceremony time.. who is Hannah going to choose? Will she finally make her choice between Dylan and Blake?


Who did Hannah choose?



How Did Kristina Become The Villain on Bachelor in Paradise??

Full Trailer Released for Apple TV’s ‘The Morning Show’

Full Trailer Released for Apple TV’s ‘The Morning Show’